Trangia moment – the outdoor cookbook

Written by Trangia
Lancering kokbok

Trangia Moment

Last June, Trangia’s first cookbook was launched, Trangia Moment – the outdoor cookbook. This is a collaboration between Trangia and outdoor chefs Nathalie Spjälle och Eric Tornblad. The book is available in both Swedish and English.

For the past couple of years Trangia users have requested that we make a cookbook, and now it’s here! But it is not just any cookbook; in Trangia Moment, we have tried to cover all those small details that are useful to know when you’re out, even if the weather gets rough. To make this book we partnered up with skilled outdoor chefs who share their tips and tricks of what can be prepared at home, to make sure the outdoor cooking experience is simple and enjoyable. No focus has been placed on the weight or durability of the food, this is not that type of cookbook. The purpose of Trangia Moment is to inspire more people to get outside and to cook food that are a little different to what we are used to. We hope there will be something in it for everyone.

The purpose of the cookbook is to inspire more people to get outside “

One warm summers evening in June, we gathered everyone who had been involved in creating the cookbook for an afternoon of celebrations. We found the perfect spot along the shoreline of Lake Storsjön in Jämtland. Nathalie and Eric, who have created the recipes for the book, got to trial each others recipes with the help of photographer and designer Sara Gärdegård and the Trangia crew. The Swedish version of the book will be launched early 2022.

Lancering svenska kokboken

The cookbook was photographed during some of the coldest days of 2021, but the food taste just as good in summer! This evening we made Erics ‘Fried vegetable tortillas’ for dinner and Nathalies ‘Caramelised bananas with oat crunch and berries’. The recipes can be found in the cookbook!


Eric Tornblad

Hanna och Nathalie
