Lucie and Isabell

Written by Trangia
Lucie and Isabell

Lucie and Isabell

In recent years, Trangia has gone from being the local metal manufacturer to the large outdoor brand that attracts people for reasons that reaches far beyond the pay check. Many of our coworkers have a strong passion for the outdoors and are invaluable ambassadors for the Trangia brand. First out, Lucie and Isabell.

Lucie and Isabell, who are both relatively recent recruits, were attracted to Trangia for its strong foothold in the outdoor industry and its flexible working conditions. Czech Republic born Lucie, fell in love with Jämtland after her Masters Degree in Environmental Science at MIUN University and wanted to stay in Sweden and work with something related to her field and personal interest. Isabell is an assistant nurse but was noticing symtoms of burnout after just 6 months into the role. Trangia has adapted its working conditions to the needs of the people, and is is highly valued among all team members.

“Wonderful colleagues and working conditions adapted to people’s needs, is something we really value”

When we first mentioned the idea of introducing our users, and customers the people behind the brand in this way, Lucie and Isabell were first to put their hands up! After a cold and rainy summer in Jämtland, we were blessed with a window of great weather in August and decided to get the paddle boards out. 50 minutes from the factory, on the southern side of the Åre Mountain range, is this magical place called Ottsjö, the perfect spot for lakeside pancakes with the works!

Lucie and Isabell
Lucie and Isabel
Lucie and Isabell
Lucie and Isabell

Lucie and Isabell made two different style pancakes, American and Swedish traditional pancakes. There are many recipes for American Pancakes, but you will find the recipe for Swedish traditional pancakes below. Two gas stoves were used, as pancakes easily burn and one needs to constantly regulate the heat.

Lucie and Isabell
Lucie and Isabelle

Lucie and Isabell’s Swedish pancakes with the works

Servings: 2
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 40 min


2 1/2 dl wheat flour
1/2 tsp salt
6 dl milk
3 eggs
butter for frying
jam, berries or fruit for serving
peanut butter, whipped cream and pecan nuts for topping


Prepare at home:

1) Mix flour and salt in a bowl.
2) Whisk in the eggs and half the milk until smooth.
3) Whisk in the rest of the milk.
3) Pour batter into a bottle and store in fridge until heading out.


1) Fry thin pancakes, each in a little butter, in a frying pan.
2) Spread jam on the pancake and roll it up.
3) Top with berries, fruit, peanut butter, cream, maple syrup and pecan nuts.

Enjoy and please share your #trangia_moment with us!
