Trangia Triangle

344 SEK

(14 customer reviews)
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Stand of 3 pieces and holder for burner, in stainless steel, and cover. Can be used with the spirit burner, gas burner, or gel burner (burner is not included)

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What’s new for version 2022:

On the windsheilds, the plates:
• The edges of the plates are graded in a tumbling machine. As a result, the shiny surface becomes duller than before.
• The shape is the same otherwise, so the old rings will still fit against the new plates and vice versa.

On the ring:
• The ring has been redesigned to provide a more stable attachment to the windsheilds
• It can also be placed flat in the small Mess tin so you can pack the spirit burner at the same time.
• The rings are polished to remove black marks after welding

Moreover, assembly and disassembly is a little different. Watch the video

More information

Weight (g) 115

126×85 mm



Made in


Manufacturer and/or responsible party according to GPSR Trangia AB
Alsenvägen 16
83596 Trångsviken

14 reviews for Trangia Triangle

  1. Melker

    Lätt, platt och stabilt! Perfekt för Trangia-brännaren när man är ute och bara ska laga mat/koka vatten till sig själv. Funkar såklart inte lika perfekt som Trangia original men är så mycket lättare.

    Älskar denna platta hållare för spritbrännaren.

  2. Bjørn

    Been using the old version for years, but I always “fiddle” a little when setting it up. This new version with the slots for the ring I guess will be easier.
    @Ollie, buy one or two tent pegs of the old style (thin round) but in titanium, and place across for pot-support.

  3. Pettersson

    Älskar det. Detta kök är något av de bästa trangia har kommit på. Lätt, enkelt att använda och tar ingen plats!
    Jag har alltid med mig detta på alla vandringar, äventyr och även fanns det i min ficka när jag jobbade i försvarsmakten.
    Kan verkligen rekommendera detta!

  4. Arne

    This is great for a second burner when you want to cook in multiple pans at the same time. I always carry this together with my T27/T25. The quality is great as usual.

  5. Hans-Olov Norberg

    Triangel är ett mkt bra tillbehör som sparar in massor med vikt. Jag använder Triangel, en kastrull, lock till kastrull, handtaget och gasbrännaren och sparar på så sätt in ca ett kilo jämfört med fullstora köket.
    Nackdelen är att uttaget i plåten för gasslangen inte passade så jag var tvungen att klippa upp uttaget så det blev dubbelt så stort (högt). Som det var i original blev spänningen för stor mellan gaskabel och plåt så brännaren hoppade ur sitt läge.

  6. Tomo

    Nice triangle, I was thinking that my pot is too small for that, but it is AlpKit MyTiPot 900 ml and it’s ok. I tasted this triangle today with B25, and that was awesome.

  7. altewu (verified owner)

    Hi IM,
    regarding your question for an adapter for smaller pots:
    Doesn`t the
    “Pot Stand” BF612527
    fit for this purpose?

  8. Hanna van Tol

    Excellent build, folds super flat and is basically a no brainer to anyone owning a trangia, especially since it makes any setup a double burner solution while adding barely any weight nor bulk.

    As a standalone solution, it’s versatility in the burner department makes this a flexible yet strong option in the field.

    Since it’s made of steel it can handle pretty heavy pots and pans that probably will see any remote canister stove buckle under the weight. Since it handles the gas burner it’s one of the strongest solutions of it’s kind.

    It’s facings provide some protection from the wind and coupled to the B26 spirit burner you can in fact still use the simmer ring to a reasonable extend.

    It fits nicely into the small mess tin and said tin can hold both this stove and the B26 with ease, making it quite a neat little system. The pot stands however are narrow to the mess tin making tipping rather frequent.

    My only improvelent suggestion would be for a second ring, making the Trangle much more compatible with smaller pots and a wider pot base so it handles the small mess tin a little better. But that’s just niche me talking.

    Just buy it already.

  9. Paul (verified owner)

    A great little stand. Assembly and disassembly is super quick once you get used to it (Its really worth following Trangia’s instructions on how to do this). I agree with others – an adapter for smaller pots would be a great addition.

  10. Margot Stubbs

    Great stand. Pleased to see it back.

  11. Ivica (verified owner)

    An excellent stand, make an adaptor for a smaller pot.

  12. IM

    This is a great stand. I have a suggestion though: Deliver two rings with the stand, or at least offer them for sale under spare parts (would also be more sustainable, if people only buy an extra if needed). The second ring can be placed on top of the stand, secured by the three pot-lifters, and then used as an adapter for smaller pots.

  13. daniel (verified owner)

    Ageless classic .. Well, bit heavy these days when ultra-light is almost new religion, but this guy is for a fair price and it will literally never leave you behind. I use it in combination with GAS burner and simply, I love it ..

  14. Ollie (verified owner)

    An excellent stand, I own both the “old version” and the “new version”. I have to say that I find the “old version” easier to assemble, but they are both good.

    I do wish Trangia would make an adaptor for a smaller pot, as for smaller pots (like my coffee maker) the pot balances precariously on the stand and sometimes falls off. There’s a guy on YouTube who can up with one answer to this here:

    However he’s disabled comments so I can ask him about it (or where I can get one!). It would be great if Trangia made something like that as the fact that you can’t use a smaller pot is the only problem I have with it. Excellent as a second burner for the 27 or 25 cooksets.

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