Trangiakök 27-1 HA

1 595 SEK

Hårdanodiserad aluminium. Välj mellan spritbrännare eller gasbrännare.

1 595 SEK
2 358 SEK

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TRANGIAKÖK 27 SMALL passar till 1-2 personer. Våra kök i serie 27 innehåller två kittlar på 1 liter (en inre, en yttre), stekpanna, vindskydd (över- och underdel), brännare, tång och rem.
27-seriens set med kaffepanna 0.6 liter erbjuds enbart med spritbrännare. Det beror på att detta kompakta kök inte har plats för både kaffepanna och gasbrännare när det packas ihop. Självklart kan man komplettera med en gasbrännare som tillbehör – men den får packas separat, vid sidan av köket.

Till övriga 27 set – utan kaffepanna – kan du välja mellan gasbrännare eller spritbrännare. I sortimentet finns flera kompletta kombinationer med olika material på vindskydd och olika kombinationer av material i kastruller och stekpanna

VIKTEN på det kompletta köket varierar, men påverkas mest av om du väljer till kaffepanna eller gasbrännare.

MÅTTEN på samtliga kök 27 Small är detsamma: Ihoppackat 18,5 cm i diameter och 10 cm högt.

TILLBEHÖR Trangiakök 27 Small kan kompletteras med kastruller och stekpannor i andra material, fodral, multi-disc och flera andra praktiska tillbehör.

27-1 HA (Hårdanodiserad ultralight aluminium)


Vikt (g) N/A
Mått (ihoppackat)

Ø185X100 mm

Antal pers


Kittel inre

1 L HA

Kittel yttre

1 L HA

Stekpanna (Ø)

180 mm HA






61 cm


SB / Spritbrännare, GB / Gasbrännare


Sprit, Propan/butan gas

Effekt (w)

1000, 2100



Tillverkare och/eller ansvarig enligt GPSR Trangia AB
Alsenvägen 16
83596 Trångsviken

4 recensioner av Trangiakök 27-1 HA

Trangiakök 27-1 HA - Spritbrännare:
Trangiakök 27-1 HA/GB - Gasbrännare:
  1. Kunden köpte: Trangiakök 27-1 HA/GB - Gasbrännare

    T Larsson

    I have bought a 27-1 HA/ GB (hard anodized with gas burner) and have made some additions, including pots and frying pan in Duossal, as well as two alcohol burners.

    After talking with Trangia, I was able to adjust the height of one of the pot holders using a combination pliers, as well as adjust the bayonet lock between the upper and lower windshield by opening the lock slot about a millimeter and placing stearic on respective sliding surface.

    Very satisfied with the purchased stove. Fits me perfectly in terms of size, one person. Cook two portions with two pots.

    Will also buy a Triangel and Billy pot in stainless steel for this stove.

  2. Kunden köpte: Trangiakök 27-1 HA/GB - Gasbrännare

    T Larsson

    I have bought a 27-1 HA/ GB (hard anodized with gas burner) and have made some additions, including pots and frying pan in Duossal, as well as two alcohol burners.

    After talking with Trangia, I was able to adjust the height of one of the pot holders using combination pliers, as well as adjust the bayonet lock between the upper and lower windshield by opening the lock slot about a millimeter and placing some stearic on respective sliding surface.

    Very satisfied with the purchased stove. Fits me perfectly in terms of size, one person, possibly for two people.

    Will also buy a Triangel and Billy pot in stainless steel for this stove.

  3. Kunden köpte: Trangia Stove 27-1 HA - Spirit burner

    Hanna van Tol

    I bought this stove as an upgrade to the UL version i already owned and loved.

    UL is the classic choice and the lowest weight. This HA version improves upon it by being less prone to dents and scratches while weighing the same and being much easier to clean. It also looks neater. It’s a bit of a blessing and a curse to me since the UL versions build up so much scratches and dents over time it’s basically patina to the camp stove romantic like me. It tells a story. This HA version does away with it to the largest extend.

    If seasoned the pots and pan are about as nonstick as you could functionally want, without the fragility of actual nonstick.

    For true foodies, the flame spreading properties of Duossal are probably the strongest in this 27 size, but you likely buy the 27 to cut bulk and weight, so there’s a choice to be made there for the true outdoor chefs. Either way, the HA is an excellent and durable choice that couples well to any burner.

  4. Kunden köpte: Trangia Stove 27-1 HA/GB - Gas burner

    Norrland Cruiser

    Simply legendary…. the ultimate solution to all challenges in outdoor cooking !

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