Three colors. Three stories.
In 2025 Trangia celebrates 100 years of quality products produced in Trångsviken, Sweden. The anniversary stove is a tribute to the Trangia stove and it´s iconic design that has endured over decades and will last for the decades to come.
It’s important to make the most of the short period in time when nature reveals its brightest palette of autumn hues – before you know it, all the colours could be blown away, literally speaking.
The Vanlife movement has exploded in popularity in the last few years. Most of us desire to live a life with more freedom, less restricted by mortgages, work commitments and utility bills, but are we ready to downsize our lives into a van?
During the autumn school holidays last year, 8 year old Nike visited the Trangia Museum with her mum and left a little note in our feedback box.
“I want a pink stove with glitter – Nike 8”
The Trangia factory has been located in the Jämtland Mountains for almost 100 years. It therefore feels extra important to support the efforts made to increase the safety for people coming to enjoy our mountains. It can sometimes take days to get help in an emergency situation and that is why there needs to be supplies available.
‘Årets stormkock’, or storm cooker chef of the year, is an annual competition hosted by Tärnaby Mountain Hotel since 2003. It attracts professional chefs from all over Sweden to come and cook their their competition dish on a Trangia Stove. The cooking takes place outside and the weather can vary between -30 degrees celcius or plus degrees and rain.
A weekend during late March 2021, Utemagasinet was live streaming from a tentipi in Vålådalen, Sweden. Viewers from all over Sweden were able to follow along from the comfort of their home and learn about wintercamping, outdoor food, hiking with dogs, outdoor drinks, campfire music and more!
Temperatures below -20C degrees can be difficult to manage at the best of times, but even more so when you share your apartment with two chameleons and a pacman frog.
Last June, Trangia’s first cookbook was launched, Trangia Moment – the outdoor cookbook. This is a collaboration between Trangia and outdoor chefs Nathalie Spjälle och Eric Tornblad. The book is available in both Swedish and English.